Patient Survey Results 2012




We have a Patient Participation Group consisting of 5 male and 11 female patient members, with an age range between 47 and 77.  These members represent a cross section of the community organisations and expertise.  In addition we have 2 male non-patient members working with the youth of the local community and the wider youth work for ages 11-19.  We also have a female representative from Carer’s First.

The PPG covers a wide range of interests and we have made efforts to engage those working with youth and carers.

The survey has been made available through our website and within the practice ensuring that this has been adequately advertised in the surgery.

In consultation with the Edenbridge Patient Participation Group the results of the GP survey have been discussed and the practice intentions made available to our patients.

The results of the survey were circulated to the PPG prior to a meeting to discuss all aspects.


Synopsis of Questionnaire:

Where do you find information about the practice and the services we provide?

46% of patients claimed that the notice board was their preferred way


Are you aware of the following?


Practice Opening Hours 86.7%
Appointments Online 38%
Repeat Prescriptions Online 48.8%
Dispensing Service 55.4%
Website 37.3%
Carers First 12.7%


Does the practice provide the range of health services you need?

80.5% : yes


We asked patients to advise us of what was most important to them:


Appointments Online 39.9%
Repeat Prescriptions Online 29.3%
Availability of info on Surgery times 42.7%
Improvements to Practice premises 25%


Would you be interested in chronic disease education evenings?

40.1%: yes


Are you satisfied with the location of the practice?

93.1%: yes


Your overall satisfaction with the practice?

82.5%: Good-Excellent


Included in the questionnaire were basic demographics regarding:

Male:   32.1%              Female: 66.4%            (did not answer 1.5%)

Age groups:

16-24 2.2% 25-34 12.4% 35-44 9.5% 45-54 16.1% 55-64 19.7% 65-74 21.9% 75+ 18.2%

Children in the household under 16:


Do you or anyone else in household have a long standing illness, disability etc:

Personally: 36.2% ;     in the household 21%


Four open questions inviting observations and comments from patients included:


If the practice does not provide the range of services you need, please described what you think is missing?
Responses included provision of:

Evening appointments: these are already being provided as follows:

Monday     6:30pm – 8pm GP [last appointment 7:45pm] 6:30pm – 7:15pm Practice Nurse [last appt 7:10pm]

Tuesday    6:30pm – 8pm GP [last appointment 7:45pm]

Thursday   6:30pm – 8pm GP [last appointment 7:45pm]

6:30pm – 7:15pm Practice Nurse [last appt 7:10pm]

Out of hours services: these are provided by the South East Health Out of Hours service on 03000 24 24 24 – please note that 3 of our doctors at the practice undertake sessions, at various times, with the out of hours service.

Is there anything else you think could be improved?

This provided a range of responses: the most common comments being on the subject of difficulties in accessing appointments and the telephone lines.

Is there anything you think is particularly good or that you would not want to be changed about the service you receive?

This provided very positive feedback regarding the service we offer and also the attitudes, helpfulness, friendliness of Health Care Professionals and all other staff.

Any other comments:

Responses ranged from dissatisfaction with appointment provision, general redecoration of the practice, disabled parking being taken by non disabled persons, part-time doctors to telling us the practice is ‘excellent in every way’!


The practice has agreed to:

Audit of patients making appointments over the counter between 8am and 8:30am with a view to ensuring that all patients have equal access to appointments
Reviewing the setting of appointment schedules to afford flexibility
Looking at staff provision for manning telephones between 8:30am and 9am
New notices for the disabled bays
General redecoration of the practice
Dedicating large notice board to features: eg Surgery times; services offered; Carers First.  These are already in the practice leaflet.  Reviewing the practice leaflet and exploring ways of ensuring the as many households have this information.
Explanation via website, newsletter etc. why staff may ask simple questions about their ailments in order for GPs to prioritise their work
Website – currently under review and giving as much information about the practice and also directing patients to appropriate links eg NHS choices to obtain information about minor ailments etc.
New clock in the waiting room
Notice to patients to check with reception if they have been waiting more than 20 minutes for their consultation.