We are currently running a Minor injuries MIU from here at Edenbridge Medical Practice. It is a sit and wait service. Please note: This is only for minor injuries. If you have a wound that needs to be dressed you must book an appointment with the Practice Nurse team. This is between the hours of 8.30am and 6.30pm with the last appointment being at 6.10pm.
- Injuries (with no obvious deformities/bones sticking out) to arms, legs, fingers, toes and knees. No X-ray is available.
- Sprains and strains.
- Minor head injuries with no loss of consciousness, not on blood thinners and not with foreign bodies in situ.
- Removal of easily visible objects from ears/nose.
- Bites
- News cuts and wounds.
- Small burns or scalds.
- Small eye injuries and objects in the eye (not in the eyeball).
We cannot treat:
- Any illness or ailments
- Major trauma
- Suspected heart attacks or cardiac chest pain.
- Stokes
- Head injury while on anticoagulant medication.
- Any potential bony injury or fractures- no X-ray available.
- Pregnancy issues, for example: laboured/breathing issues/chest pain/lack of baby movement.
- Social problems.
- Drug or alcohol-related problems.
- Mental health conditions
- Dental issues
- Management of long term/chronic conditions
- Second opinion for an ongoing condition.
- Routine repeat prescriptions.
- Abdominal (tummy) pain.
- Indigestion.
- Boils/Abscesses
We cannot treat patients under one-year-old. Find out more: www.kentcht.nhs.uk/urgentcare