Patient Participation results 2015 2016

Patient Particiption Group [PPG] 2015 2016

We have analysed feedback from our patients from the Friends and Family comments received during the year and sharing the anonymised information with the PPG.

We have taken note of both good and less good comments and we would like to address the latter. We are grateful to those patients who have given positive feedback.

1. Edenbridge growth and need for new surgery and doctors: for the last 14 months the practice has been in negotiations with a view to a new surgery to enable new clinicians and a 21st century environment for our patients.
2. Lack of appointments: this is undeniably a problem and we are trying to address this – we have recently experienced unprecedented problems with GP cover and we are currently interviewing replacement GPs and employing locum doctors to ease the difficulties wherever possible
3. Appointments for working people: we do have evening sessions in line with the amount required by the Extended Hours rules.
4. 8am-8:30am patients attending and ‘jumping’ the appointment queue: we are planning to open our lines to appointments from 8am within the next few months. We will advertise when this will become available.
5. Part time doctors: patients are concerned for their continuity of care and the practice fully appreciate this. However, often only part time doctors are available. Matters are particularly difficult at the present moment with 2 GPs on maternity leave with 3 GPs covering their lists. We have also had difficulty following Dr Griffiths’ retirement and her replacement [full time] resigning his post at the practice for sickness and other personal reasons.
6. Getting through on the telephone: we do have extra staff but demand at the present time has increased dramatically but we are aware the frustration this causes. Please bear with the practice during this difficult time.

If you would like to be involved with the online Patient Participation Group forum please either write to the practice with your personal email address or email: